Permali Gloucester Limited (referenced in this document hereafter as Permali) is a world class manufacturing company with expertise in developing advanced material solutions for leading companies across a wide range of industries including defence, automotive, rail, medical, energy, construction, textiles and many more.
We direct our business always mindful of the needs of the wider world and the positive role we can play in it. Permali is committed to ensuring that any business undertakings are conducted as ethically as possible by following the policy below:
The Board of Permali Gloucester Limited recognise the importance of a sustainable approach to activities they directly and indirectly affect and are resolved to managing our business to ensure our work has a positive impact on the people, communities and the environment around us. Specifically:
- To adopt, wherever practicable, working methods that will reduce the adverse impact of company activities on the earth’s human, sociological, economic and biophysical systems.
- To make all employees of Permali aware of the human social, economic and environmental impacts relating to much of what they do in their working and home lives.
In consequence, we execute a governance approach and activities programme that helps ensure we implement and maintain policies and systems to manage Social, Economic and Environmental impacts:
Social Policy
We aim to contribute responsibly to society by building strong, long term relationships and opportunities with the local community and to act as a good neighbour.
- Our definition of opportunity is not restricted to employment; all aspects of company activity are included with special reference to ensuring our goods and services are supplied to all sectors of society without discrimination to any group. Permali will seek to enhance the communities local to its trading centre through a variety of means including employment, training, community schemes and support of local charities.
- For our employees we also ensure we meet all regulatory requirements including our obligations as an employer as per the Equality Act 2010, the Modern Slavery Act 2015, The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 and The National Living Wage guidelines.
- Ensure equality and diversity of opportunity.
- Invest in the development and training of our people.
- Recognise and reward the contribution that our people make.
- Create a safe and healthy working environment.
Environmental Policy
We constantly seek ways to minimise our impact on the environment by reducing resources especially waste and energy consumption. We encourage all our employees to consider the effect of their actions on natural resources. The key aspects of our policy is to:
- Seek to reduce energy consumption by reviewing the efficiency with which it is used and the processes in which it is consumed.
- Review and monitor, wherever possible, its acquisitions, use and disposal of goods. We will seek to purchase material and equipment that have been produced in ways which cause least harm to the environment and generate the least waste. Local suppliers will be used wherever it is efficient and viable, so as to promote Permali ’s links with the community and to minimise the distance travelled for the delivery of goods.
- Seek to make the most efficient use of the paper where it is necessary to use paper to distribute information. We are also developing and promoting paperless methods of distributing information.
- Continue to improve our schemes for the segregation, collection and recycling of waste streams including glass, paper, plastic materials, and waste electronic equipment for recycling are in effect.
- In maintaining and developing its estate, Permali will recognise its role as custodian of a part of the built environment and landscape and will promote sound environmental practices. The use of artificial fertilisers, weed killers and insecticides will be kept to the minimum possible level. Wildlife habitat conservation will actively be pursued where practicable.
- Permali will make measures to improve general environmental awareness and education amongst its employees.
- Permali will monitor its environmental performance in order to demonstrate continuous improvement.
- Permali are actively pursuing developments in our product range that enhance our sustainability and reduce environmental impact via our New Product Development programme.
Economic Sustainability
Permali will seek to ensure that no child labour is used at any stage in the supply chain of its goods and services and that UK law is applied. Permali recognise the beneficial significance of its trading activities to the economy and has procedures in place to ensure we, our suppliers and customers adhere to our standards, deliver business continuity including decentralised IT and data storage, de-centralised goods storage and ‘succession planning’ for key positions.
We manage our processes to ensure our products and services satisfy our customers requirements, applying recognised quality, technical and safety standards. We are committed to clear communication with our customers and seek feedback on an ongoing basis to help us continually improve our operations.